QuikRead go HbA1c test reached silver level in the IFCC certification!
QuikRead go® HbA1c has participated in the annual IFCC (International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine) HbA1c Certification Programme to demonstrate traceability to the IFCC Reference Measurement Procedure and has achieved even better results. This year QuikRead go HbA1c test reached the silver level, which is an excellent result.
QuikRead go HbA1c IFCC Certificate
QuikRead go HbA1c is an easy-to-use and reliable point of care (POC) test to support effective diabetes care. It can be used in monitoring the long-term blood glucose control in individuals with diabetes mellitus, as an aid in diagnosis, and in identifying patients at risk of developing diabetes mellitus. With QuikRead go HbA1c test the quantitative result is available in less than 6 minutes. The one-step sample collector used with the QuikRead go HbA1c kit minimizes hands-on steps and enables easy testing.

Point of care HbA1c testing has shown to improve diabetes management, patient's commitment to treatment and patient satisfaction. These are leading to improved glycemic control, and reduced risk of harmful and expensive comorbidities. It also has potential to reduce the health care costs1-5.
Visit QuikRead go HbA1c web page to learn more or contact us for more details.
- Miller CD, Barnes CS, Phillips LS, et al. Rapid A1c availability improves clinical decision-making in an urban primary care clinic. Diabetes Care 2003; 26(4): 1158-1163.
- Schnell O, Crocker JB, Weng J. Impact of HbA1c Testing at Point of Care on Diabetes Management. J Diabetes Sci Technol 2017; 11(3):611-617.
- American Diabetes Association. Diabetes Care 2020; 43(Supplement 1): S66-S76
- Egbunike V, Gerard S. The impact of point-of-care A1C testing on provider compliance and A1C levels in a primary setting. Diabetes Educ. 2013;39(1):66-73.
- Lian J, Lang Y. Diabetes management in the real world and the impact of adherence to guideline recommendations. Curr Med Res Opin. 2014;30(11):2233-40.