It has become evident during the COVID pandemic how important fast and reliable point of care (POC) testing is. True POC diagnostics is read...

31. augusta 2021
Novinky, Novinky o produktoch

The results from a lately published study by Laurenzi et al. strongly support the need to screen hyperglycemia from all patients who are hos...

24. augusta 2021
Novinky, COVID-19

In Europe, healthcare associated infections (HCAIs) are attributed to approximately 37 000 deaths per year (before COVID-19) and 25 000 peop...

11. augusta 2021
Novinky, Novinky o produktoch

The Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez (HIMFG) is one of the most important and valued pediatric hospitals in Mexico City. The hospi...

21. júna 2021
Novinky, Novinky o produktoch, Stories from customers

Modern consumers require vegetable products which can be fast and easily cooked. Microbes are naturally present in all vegetables. During th...

11. mája 2021
Novinky, Novinky o produktoch

According to a recent study by Wnuk et al, numerous biomarkers, including inflammatory ones, were found to be associated with atherosclerosi...

4. mája 2021

The agreement covers a range of European countries, including Sweden, Norway, Finland, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Austria, S...

21. apríla 2021
Novinky, Novinky o produktoch, COVID-19

Our environment is naturally full of microbes. Under normal conditions, these microbes are beneficial for the development of our immune syst...

15. apríla 2021
Novinky, Novinky o produktoch, Stories from customers